I’m writing this in May 2021. It varies, but the global COVID-19 pandemic caused much of the world to push pause on “normal” life and go into and stay in emergency mode since March 2020, or earlier. Thankfully, amazingly safe and effective vaccines now allow us to realistically envision a return to “normal.” That said,...Read More
In an earlier post I talked about defining every position in the context five roles: Producer; Talent & Resource Manager; Innovator & Entrepreneur; Personal & Team Developer; and Friend & Citizen. In this post I argue for limitations on vertical hierarchy. I think most organizations currently have too many levels of vertical distinction. In non-management...Read More
I hate most job descriptions; I find them unnecessarily complicated and overly sophisticated. In any organization that is growing and expanding, they are meaningless anyway because they can’t keep up with the rate of change. If you have a job description that says what you actually do, then you are probably part of a nice...Read More
I have had, and continue to have, an eclectic career—on purpose. Besides being more interesting, it has also protected me from a “follow-the-herd” mentality that’s all too common in just about every profession and industry. It enables me to look at situations and see things others may not, and to find connections that might otherwise...Read More