
Because even those who coach need a coach

partnersIRL™ (partners In Real Life) is a subscription service for Agile coaches, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Developers, as well as leaders of Agile teams and organizations—basically, anyone for whom coaching others is part of their job.

The benefit of partnersIRL™…

Is that it is a simply conceived, flexibly usable, and reasonably priced way to help you better serve those who depend on your work to do theirs, to up your game and keep it sharp.

Has your Agile adoption effort run into an obstacle, or just plain stalled?  Perhaps you are having problems making the shift from a project to a product centered organization.  Maybe you are a Scrum Master whose team is experiencing political interference, perhaps from a remotely involved person of higher rank.  Maybe you are a Product Owner and would like to walk through a touchy prioritization problem?  Perhaps your Dev Team is having difficulty with a developer who is reluctant to take on tasks outside their specialty.

Is your organization having problems scaling? Is your organization’s Agile adoption effort stuck leaving you with a loose confederation of Scrum teams, rather than achieving organizational agility?  What do you know about conditioning the organization’s culture for an Agile adoption effort?  Maybe key opinion leaders who are affected by, but not directly involved in, your organization’s adoption of Agile think Agile is some kind of cult and Scrum is some breed of voodoo and would benefit from an executive level overview of Agile and Scrum fundamentals and what it means for them.

Could you simply use an unbiased expert to be your sounding board?  Maybe you have a problem that is politically sensitive and would benefit from a discussion with an impartial expert who has been in your chair.  Perhaps you have an idea, but you don’t know if it’s brilliant or insane, and it would help to do a reality-check with someone who’s been around the block a few more times and in a few more places than you.

There are two kinds of Agile adoption efforts: those that have run into these kinds of problems, and those that will.  partnersIRL™ is designed for both.

The distinctive advantage of partnersIRL™…

Is that it is a service provided by people who:

  • Are Agile pioneers, having been involved in Agile’s evolution since times prior to the concepts and constructs achieving critical mass and collectively earning the name, “Agile”.
  • Have been in your chair, having also been the ones on the hook for the successful adoption of Agile in their respective organizations.

In other words, partnersIRL™ is a service provided by people who not only understand the history, concept and theory, but whose “live fire” experience also allows them to speak credibly to pragmatic issues.

The features of partnersIRL™ include…

Free access to online, self-paced training and learning materials, and continuing education credits (SEUs and PDUs); current examples include:

  • Scrum Fundamentals online course.
  • Ruprecht on Leadership video series, which presents the fundamentals of the BHG Framework for leading organizational/cultural change.
  • Additional topics will be posted soon (in fact, contact us to see what’s in our backlog and/or make suggestions).

Free participation in monthly, subscriber-only, Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions

Access to our Slack community. 

Discounts on agilityIRL sponsored public classes here

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