In last week’s post, I shared the first of 10 recommendations on how to become a great Product Owner. In this post, I complete the list by sharing my top 5 recommendations. 5.) Share your Product Roadmap – Having a Product Roadmap allows a great Product Owner to communicate the next steps that he or...Read More
Much of the Agile and Scrum Training offered in today’s market is focused on a role or an accountability. There are classes for Product Owners, Developers and Scrum Masters. People have even created training for leaders and managers working in an Agile environment. One role that’s been underserved in the Agile training space is...Read More
In the last month, I’ve occasionally been asked why I chose to pursue my Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) accreditation rather than become a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST). Even more frequently I’ve been asked what the difference is. As a PST I can teach Professional Scrum Master (PSM) classes accredited by rather than Certified Scrum...Read More
Based on over 4-decades of observational research, I can confidently assert that intellectual laziness is an all-too-common leadership fail. It is a myth that managers manage by the numbers. So many leaders that I’ve observed in action simply were not skilled thinkers, having little understanding of data, statistical methods, empirical analysis, and probabilistic decision-making. In...Read More
I’m writing this in May 2021. It varies, but the global COVID-19 pandemic caused much of the world to push pause on “normal” life and go into and stay in emergency mode since March 2020, or earlier. Thankfully, amazingly safe and effective vaccines now allow us to realistically envision a return to “normal.” That said,...Read More
There are a number of great anecdotes and quotes associated with American Football. From Vince Lombardi, “What the hell is going on out there?” to Dick Butkus, “I only cheat in league games,” to Randy Moss’ “Straight cash, homie!” the characters of the game have provided us with a number of memorable one-liners and stories....Read More
Part 7—Interdependence & Series Wrap-Up In Part 1 of this 7-part series of posts we looked at VUCA, where the term originated, what it means, and how it relates to Agile leadership. The speed and interdependence of events in today’s world will ultimately overwhelm the time-honored processes and culture we’ve so far built. Once comforting...Read More
Part 6—Price Factor Equalization In Part 1 of this 7-part series of posts we looked at VUCA, where the term originated, what it means, and how it relates to Agile leadership. The speed and interdependence of events in today’s world will ultimately overwhelm the time-honored processes and culture we’ve so far built. Once comforting constants...Read More
Part 5—The Butterfly Effect In Part 1 of this 7-part series of posts we looked at VUCA, where the term originated, what it means, and how it relates to Agile leadership. The speed and interdependence of events in today’s world will ultimately overwhelm the time-honored processes and culture we’ve so far built. Once comforting constants...Read More
Part 4—Simple v. Complicated v. Complex In Part 1 of this 7-part series of posts we looked at VUCA, where the term originated, what it means, and how it relates to Agile leadership. The speed and interdependence of events in today’s world will ultimately overwhelm the time-honored processes and culture we’ve so far built. Once...Read More